What a beautiful day! Still as white as can be, but above zero!!! Can tell the driveway from the field, but beautiful none the less. I have about 100 photos from our snow day yesterday to download too. Gotta love digital!
Lots to do this week....
- ordered
Arctic Frog, Three Bugs in a Rug, new
SEI and
Fancy Pants.
- make another order before the weekend.
- pay bills
- finish (or at least make a dent in) our taxes.
- work on classes (
March Card class,
April Project class,
Scrapology class, etc.)
- get a USB hub
- download pics and put on disc. Charge camera battery.
- get April kits together and ready and sort May ones
- go through the kids summer clothes... box the "too small" ones
- hopefully price the new stuff. It was supposed to be here on Friday... no sign of it yet.
- catch up on laundry
- vacuum upstairs
- work for my Dad on Friday
I just got an email from
Fontwerks will be donating prizes to our April
Super Scrap Day! If you haven't signed up yet there's still time! An all day crop on April 22nd. Prizes, goodie bags, supper and more!
Speaking of
Fontwerks... We started strong with
Fontwerks a while ago and after a bit of a wait.... due to months and months of email confusion, misplaced orders, etc.... we are finally getting the new
Fontwerks in! This includes rub-ons, paper (
Simply Neat), stamps and more. Hopefully these should be here by the end of March. The acrylics will be in April. I can hardly wait! If there are any special requests you can email them to me!
And darn if that
Ali isn't an enabler. Look for that big honkin' alphabet stamp in the store soon!
Taught a
Scrapbooking 101 class on Saturday! Good turn-out! If you missed it I plan to hold them once a month. Check the
calendar for future dates.

Very vaguely tagged by Jen....
What scrapbook lines/products, etc. do you dislike? It's not that I dislike them... just that they're not me...vellum and fibers.
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to scrap? Nothing really.
What technique do you use more than anything else? Technique? I'm not really big on techniques... painting I guess, and stitching.
What is the smallest scrap of paper you save? 2x4
Have you ever had any scrapbook related injuries? Not yet... probably mental issues though. LOL
Finish this sentence, "If I wasn't a scrapbooker/stamper, I would spend my money on..." clothes and my house
Give us your best storage or organizational idea. Baskets baskets baskets... and antique bowls as catchalls
You just won a week long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who would you take? Jen, Val, Cindy, De and Jenn.
When you received your first publication notification, who did you tell? And if you are not yet published, who will be the first person you share the news with? My hubby... called him right away!
So if you're reading this... I tag you too.