Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Technology and country-life don't mix

So I've been avoiding the computer for a while. Thought I'd be on it like gangbusters in a day or two.

Highspeed quest.
So they came. Told us that they couldn't view the tower from the top of the house (trees are too tall), but that if we'd put a post in the clearing they could put it up there. It'd be 2oo extra feet of cable, and they wouldn't do it until we had a trench dug from there to the house (because we have dogs). Fine. It took a couple of weeks. Tilled a trench. Rented an auger and drilled a hole for a 4x4. Ready. Signed the papers.
And they came today and said it's not going to work. They reception is too weak. If we follow the tree line up 50 feet or so it'll work. That means tilling a new trench... through the brick sidewalk we lay down last week, through our driveway and through (somehow) 15 feet of forest. So all that work for nothing! What a waste. D was not impressed! Neither was I!!! I have a ton of stuff to do at the store and I stayed home for this!
Thought I'd be doing all my paperwork here at home this week! Ordering pictures! Grrrrr.

And so the updates will continue.

Reflecting, again, on scrapbooking and art. Intertwining the two. Realizing that I'm maybe not so inspired by layouts in magazines and online as I am emulating. Subconciously maybe even settling on the fact that that is what a layout looks like... same as everyone else's... not breaking out and sharing me... my inner soul. That's what I love about the artists like Emily Falconbridge, Ashley Wren, Geneveive Simmonds and the Dares. You see them in their layouts. Not just the photos. Standing out. Not settling on the norm. These are the women who have day jobs, some maybe teaching a bit, but regular artists who just create to create... not for any accolade or validation.
Today my goal (meaning This Week, since my days seem really really short) is to take a photo and play with it. Have no idea what I'm going to do, but it's exciting anyway.
And yes, I know that I sound like a broken record.

Wrapped up Buffy Season 7 last night. Back to the beginning.

Took a 4-wheeler ride last night. Yup... picture all 5 of us on a ATV... a little rear heavy for sure! Just driving down gravel roads, along the creek and through fields... Lola running beside us. Just peaceful. Serene. Enjoying the view... our life. Calm and wonderful. So grateful!


Added some new KI (paper this week) and some other stuff.

Super Scrap Day ideas? Pass them on.

New Fontwerks (CHA end of July)... if you're interested in a particular set, please let me know. Their minimums have been raised, so I want to make sure I get in what is wanted.

Ali book in enroute.


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